5/29/2024 The distance from Prince Rupert to Ketchikan is 82 nautical miles. This is a bit far for us to do in a single day while managing the time of day we reach the open ocean section called Dixon Entrance. We left Prince Rupert Monday morning to make the four hour run over to Dundas Island. Based on weather reports we wanted to get as close to the Dixon Entrance as possible so that we could make a crossing early Tuesday morning.
We had another very calm night with good anchor holding in Brundige Inlet. The island is known for Sea Wolfs, which eat fish, but we didn’t see them, or any bears.
5/30/2024 Today was a 5:30am engine start time with anchors aweigh before 6:00am in order to cross Dixon Entrance in best possible weather. I would not say we had great weather for this section. It was rainy and we had a bit of a following sea that caused us to roll a bit. These seas were about two feet with a period of 6 to 8 seconds, which is not horrible. The shorter the period, the more bounce and roll the boat makes. I took a video of our view while following Kinship, but I can’t reduce the video size enough to embed it here. I have included a screenshot to give you an idea of our motion relative to Kinship (who has stabilizers). Notice the angle of our bow rail relative to the horizon. Kinship kept a nice, steady motion that didn’t roll quite like ours. I wedged myself into the bench seat in our pilot house and just kept my eyes on the horizon and did ok. But this is one more data point in favor of a stabilized boat.
5/31/2024 (Friday) We are tied up in Ketchikan. This is a busy place this time of year, and there is weather coming through so everything is crowded. In order for the three of us to be in the same marina we were assigned spaces in Thomas Basin, just south of the cruise ship docks. This is where the fishing fleet lives. On the positive side, we are very close to many of the shops. On the negative side, they are tourist shops and very crowded when the cruise ships are in town. We are here for a few days while we wait for a friend to join Bill and Sally on Second Verse. Mike arrives on Monday so we have a few days here.
6/2/2024 Sunday. Visitor Mike arrived Saturday, but the weather isn’t cooperating with our plans to leave so it is one more day in Ketchikan. We took the free shuttle further into town for lunch today. Yes, it was still raining but we made the best of it. We extended in Ketchikan one more day due to weather, but our plan is to leave 0530 tomorrow morning headed for our next port of call in Meyers Chuck.
Thanks for sharing your trip with us. I can live vicariously through your travels